
Get in on the fun pumping Bobby Mudda!

The things wet dreams are made of.


All we can do is pump Bobby Mudda as hard and mercilessly as we can. Hit that buy button harder than Bobby hit Khalyla, we'll keep this girl happy and get rich too. Let's Goooooo!

The Bobby Mudda Roadmap

Go Viral!

Make Bobby proud! Share Bobby Mudda far and wide, across the globe, through twitter, telegram, TikTok, and Instagram. Share the fun of pumping Bobby Mudda with the world in your live streams on all platforms. Is there a better way to spend your evening than pumping BobbyMudda?

Score Dinner With Bobby and Bobby Mudda

The holders with the largest bags will gather with Bobby and Bobby Mudda to share dinner laughs at the local Whataburger. Seating closest to Bobby and Bobby Mudda will be based on bag size - as it should be. The the biggest bag holder will deliver the opening toast before we chow down on delicious burgers and fries.

Have a Chance to Take Bobby Mudda on a Date

All dinner participants will have a chance to pitch themselves to Bobby Mudda for an exclusive date, accompanied by you rdBobby

***The roadmap has forward looking statements which may or not be achieved depending on this community's ability to make this go viral and many other factors outside of our controls. Everyone should use your own manifesting techniques for this to come true. A $700 Million Dollar market cap may help us achieve our objectives, especially since Bobby's Mudda desires a wealthy life partner. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Start Pump'n BobbyMudda Now!
